
Solar Services in Rockingham

From Sydney to Darwin to Perth there are more and more people signing up for solar panelling. It’s a cost-effective way to power your home and can save you hundreds on your power bills.

That being said repairing these solar units can be a real hassle, and so here we’ve compiled some reasons to trust professionals when it comes to installation and repair. The first step is to do your research and make sure solar units are right for you but by the time you’re here then you’re ready to get serious.


If you own a home you could spend thousands of dollars to have your solar panels installed and doing it yourself could stack those costs even higher, not to mention it’s a very dangerous job. They have the gear, the knowledge, and the experience to, not only make the installation quick and easy but to maximize energy output to save you as much money as possible.

Also, keep in mind these units are usually kept at roof level, and by far the biggest problems are larger debris and falling. So better safer to let someone with the proper gear climb up there.


Like we said the most common problems are large debris, loose connections, falling, that sort of thing, and it can be tempting to tackle some of those repairs yourself. You could repair a loose connection if you have a good grasp of how solder works, but again the risk of getting up to the unit without proper gear is a big one.

Take into account also that these panels aren’t just glass, but sophisticated technology that is very dangerous to handle without proper training. Take into account also that repairs aren’t really that expensive considering how much money you’ll be saving on electricity bills.


One of the many pros of getting solar panelling as we’ve said already is saving money. Now they will be a pretty hefty up-front fee, sometimes in the thousands, but once in place and running you’ll be making that money back in no time.

Another pro is reliability. These units are meant to take a beating from normal debris, weather, and wear and tear and as such their maintenance costs should be few and far between. Now don’t get is wrong life happens but you’ll have the peace of mind knowing your investment in power stability is safe.


The biggest con is the upfront cost, and honestly, we understand. Some strategies you could try would be waiting until you need roof work anyway, or check with your homeowner’s insurance if the installation is covered.

Solar Install and Repairs

No matter how you cut it though it will be at least several hundred to thousands of dollars. From there though the benefits will begin to wash in, more money in your pocket and a sound mind.

So keep all that in mind when deciding when to step forward for energy conservation, and also keep us in mind for your solar installation and repair needs. Our company has a long history of customer satisfaction and the expert knowledge to put you at ease while we bring your home to the 21st century. Our staff is very knowledgeable and reliable and ready to meet with you as soon as possible to begin planning your solar units installation and maintenance plan.